
What is a Feather Inclusion And Is It Cause for Worry?

A feather is basically a soft word for a crack or break in the diamond. Usually, feathers in diamonds will take on a whitish or translucent appearance.

Feather Inclusion in Diamonds

Feather inclusions in diamonds are internal fractures resembling feathers, affecting clarity and value. These structural imperfections can ...

Types of diamond inclusions

Feather. A small crack or fracture within the diamond. Depending on your viewing angle, a feather inclusion can look transparent and almost invisible ...


羽裂紋, Feather, 由破碎或分裂造成的裂口,常呈現白色或羽狀的外觀。 ; 攣晶中心, Grain Center, 異常結晶構造集中於一個小據點,偶而與針點結合 ; 內含晶體, Included ...

What are feathers in a diamond?

Feathers are small fractures in a diamond caused by stress suffered by the diamond underground. Read more about feathers in this BAUNAT article.

Just Diamond】Feather Love(羽翼) 鑽石戒指港圍11 白金

配鑽總重量:0.24克拉○配鑽數量:50顆○配鑽成色:H ○配鑽淨度:VS2 ○金屬材質:18K金○商品尺寸:主體寬約0.7cm,高約0.8cm。 ○商品包裝配件:品牌精美首飾盒、商品提袋。

Diamond Feather Inclusions

Diamonds have all sorts of inclusions. A feather inclusion is one type of internal inclusion. It's a crack within the diamond that has a feathery look. What are feather inclusions? · What is a feather-filled diamond?

鑽石的淨度特徵:如何判別淨度級別?證書上的feather cloud 是什麼 ...

鑽石的淨度特徵:如何判別淨度級別?證書上的feather cloud 是什麼意思? · Flawless(完美無瑕):鑽石在10倍放大鏡下無內部或外部瑕疵可見。 · Internally Flawless(內部完美): ...

Diamond Inclusions: Feather

A feather actually referred to an internal crack or break in a diamond. These cracks/fractures/breaks can be no problem at all... or big trouble indeed.

The Diamond Feather Inclusion Guide

The term “feather” in a grading report is a general term that refers to cracks, fractures or breaks in a diamond. It does not mean however that there is a real ...


Afeatherisbasicallyasoftwordforacrackorbreakinthediamond.Usually,feathersindiamondswilltakeonawhitishortranslucentappearance.,Featherinclusionsindiamondsareinternalfracturesresemblingfeathers,affectingclarityandvalue.Thesestructuralimperfectionscan ...,Feather.Asmallcrackorfracturewithinthediamond.Dependingonyourviewingangle,afeatherinclusioncanlooktransparentandalmostinvisible ...,羽裂紋,Feat...